2.4 in LA - How to Dominate Men with CROSS DRESSING

Are you 50 shades of grey curious? Then don't come to this class. If, however, you are a Woman who is curious about how You can harness Your power "Pussy Power" to have more control in your career, over men and in your life through the erotic art of Female Domination, then this class is for you.


Whether you are looking to spice up your sex life, be more in control professionally, thinking about becoming a Dominatrix or are a service provider looking or expand your bag of tricks, you'll get the psychology and tools you need to get started.


For TICKETS/INFO go to: www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-dominate-men-with-cross-dressing-tickets-773518583907?aff=oddtdtcreator


This class in the Female Domination series is - CROSS DRESSING!


In this class you'll learn:


1. The different genres of Cross Dressing and the what it all means: Forced Feminization, Full Transformation, Sissy Training, French Maid, Sissy Maid, and more


2. The two different types of cross dressers: Is he a slut or one of the girls?


3. What you'll need and where to get it


4. Dialog and scenario: What to say and do.

Los Angeles