Mistress Feng

Mistress Feng will have you on your knees praying for mercy in her presence. Confess your sins or bear the wrath of her angelic hands. If your sins are severe enough, you might glimpse her dark side—only witnessed by the truly naughty. You’ll see God while staring in her deep dark eyes, cupid’s bow lips, and glossy black hair. Do not underestimate her tiny body, she has divine strength to beat men until they are speaking in tongues.

Mistress Feng holds a modernistic understanding of BDSM, fetishes, kinks and will incorporate traditional Chinese punishments if the sub begs hard enough. Her domination style is cute, playful, and sadistic. She likes to be strict, and push your boundaries for pain until you plead for sweet release. Mistress Feng loves a bit of fun especially witnessing her submissive counterpart’s euphoria. Impress her with your pain tolerance, and you may be chosen to ascend to heaven. Ready to confess?


Ethnicity : Chinese

Languages : Mandarin, Fuzhounese, Conversational Korean, English (no accent)

Height: 5’1″

Shoe Size : 5

