Harriet Marwood - *SPANKING* Life Coach - Transform your bad habits ...Or else! -- NYC

What do wish you could change about your life? 
Have you been putting off losing those extra 20 lbs, like, forever?
Is your house always a mess?  You finally get it in some kind of order only to watch it all fall into disarray again…. And again? 
What about your job or career?  Is there further you’d like to go but you can’t seem to constitute a plan?
Don’t feel bad.  You are not alone!  With work, family, household chores and all the necessary functions of life, most people feel like there just enough time  to get everything done.  But the fact is, once you learn how to prioritize and use your time more effectively, more things are possible than you’ve imagined.   
Here’s some things I’ve supported people in accomplishing on my Coaching Program:
n  Defending a Doctoral Dissertation
n  Updating an re-organizing a medical practice to run more efficiently
n  Dealing with a stress-and-problem-causing in-law who lives in the family home
n  Losing 30 pounds
n  Developing a professional singing career
n  Learning a new perspective and becoming a more effective Supervisor and people handler at work
… and something as simple as letting go of a procrastination habit (which isn’t necessarily as simple as it sounds.) 
We can tackle whatever has been frustrating you about yourself or your life and transform it in simple, manageable steps.  You can choose to meet at weekly, bi-weekly or monthly intervals.  A phone consultation will help you understand how the program works and how to determine the best choice of frequency of visits. 
My coaching techniques are very effective… but remember…. With my program  there are Consequences for bailing on your homework – a good old-fashioned spanking.  It seems to be quite motivating!  Be assured, everything is safe, sane and mutually consensual.
Call me and we’ll discuss creating a unique program that works for you.  ….OR ELSE!  212-501-6748
Email msmarwood@gmail.com or msmarwood@aol.com
Bottoms up! 
Harriet Marwood
