🪐 Chloe Nova ⛓️ New Orleans ⛓️ Miami ⛓ April
Miami & Fort Lauderdale | April
I'm a cartographer of the senses. A sailor of the mind. A purveyor of the perverted.
Even from my earliest days I’ve been half-feral. A wild-child. With an unquenchable lust for novelty, always living life balancing on the cliff’s edge. This curiosity sparked my decision to hitchhike across the world, collecting friends and lovers, memories and near misses - Always in search of a Grand Adventure.
...It also led me here. My passion is alighted when exploring the depths of our senses, through the mystery hidden in the interstitial space between two moving bodies. And after all, desire requires mystery.
My practice is poietic, alchemic. To create, cultivate, & to consume. My Dominance is not expressed in unrestrained violence, a raised voice, a loss of composure. No. It is poised, a soft caress right before the bite. Your desire to serve or suffer at my expense is a gift I’m honored to receive.
I am a dream, a nightmare in technicolor. The dark soft place between where the lines begin to blur.
Are you ready? Apply via my website.
⟡ NYC-based ⟡
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