⛓Trinity Saetang ✦ Asian Femdom ✦ Philosophical Sensual Sadist 📚⛓ August 29th-Sept 1st

My personal philosophy is rooted in dialectical materialism.
It is a philosophy of understanding the way things are and how they change –everything is a process. I work to draw connections between you and I, and the variables that exist between us. To understand the whole nature of a thing, it must be broken down into smaller pieces in order to be truly understood. That is why you are here. You want to be understood. You want to feel whole. You want to be better. You want to be held, touched, caressed. You want to eventually become the object of my desire...  and that is why I am here. My only desire is for you to surrender your tired body so that I can make you into something better for Me…

It is important that you read My entire website and demonstrate understanding of My protocols before reaching out to Me.


San Francisco