This website includes but is not limited to a directory of websites, classified ads, videos, blog pieces, and other descriptive material which promotes dominatrices and their services. The material is adult-oriented and is intended only for individuals 18 years of age or older.
By continuing past this page, you affirm that you have read, understand, agree to, and accept the following ‘Terms of Use’:
I do not find nudity or adult-oriented material offensive or objectionable.
I am at least 18 years of age and have the legal right to possess and/or access adult material in my community.
I understand the laws and standards that apply in my community, site, and the computer to which I am transporting these materials and am solely responsible for my own actions.
I understand that this website provides information and links to websites operated by independent third parties. The operators of this website do not endorse, moderate, or sponsor the content and/or services that appear anywhere on this website, nor are the operators of this website affiliated with these third parties in any way.
I understand that bookmarking a page on this server/website or directly accessing an area of this website where this warning page is bypassed constitutes an implicit acceptance of the above terms.
By continuing past this page, I will have released and discharged the providers, owners, and creators of this site from any and all liability which might arise.
I will not forward or transfer by any means any images or information on this site to any minors or persons who are not legally allowed to possess the content of this site.
I hold the publishers of this page harmless if I do find the materials contained herein offensive.
If I use these services in violation of this agreement, I understand I may be in violation of local and federal laws and am solely responsible for my actions.
If you are under 18 years of age or do not agree with the above terms you must click here to LEAVE.
By clicking and/or following the link below and continuing past this page, you affirm that you have read, understand, agree to, and accept the above ‘Terms of Use’.